
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Looking for Contributors

I think, in theory, this blog was a good idea.

We had a strong start.

But now we are all at different points in our lives and busy with other things.

And I know that we had a lot of additional posts planned last year that just never got written (more on relationships, the job search, the MPRE, etc.). I may try to post once or twice this year, but that's not going to sustain a blog that hasn't had a post for over seven months...

So, to those of you who survived your 1L year, or to those of you who have survived multiple years of law school, if you are interested in contributing with what you wish you would have known drop me a line. (There will be no "write-on," interview or resume submission. You don't have to worry about me judging you like law school does -- we are just looking for some good old fashioned advice.)

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